DriverReplacer could cause a "restart needed" message to be posted, or a "confirm driver install" message on XP, when attaching the device after the first successful replacement.The installer and control panel are now localized to Italian, French, Korean, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, German, and Spanish.Windows Vista 32-Bit SP2, Windows Vista 64-Bit SP2, Windows 7 32-Bit SP1, Windows 7 64-Bit SP1.Hardware latency values are now reported with far greater accuracy, allowing host applications to perform the best possible hardware latency compensation.Support for Pro Tools 10.3.x – Pro Tools 11.Fixed: C600 control panel displays no text when the OS language is set to Dutch.Supports Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & Windows 10.Support for Pro Tools 10.3.x – Pro Tools 12.5.Fixed: Crash with Windows Driver Verifier enabled.
Added support for Mac OS X version 10.7.Fixed: Control Panel crash in 10.6.8 (Danish).Added localization for Italian, French, Korean, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, German, and Spanish.DMGs and sparsebundles are of a different kind, often ephemeral (es. Adds support for Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion DMGs are usually mounted in /Volumes, but initially that location (like /media) was for detachable devices, physical storage etc.Support for Pro Tools 10.3 - Pro Tools 11.Fixed missing scroll bar in Vertical (Meters only) display.Mac OS X 10.9.4 Requires Pro Tools 11.2.1 or higher (added ).Mac OS X 10.9.1 Requires Pro Tools 11.1.2 or higher (added ).Mac OS X 10.9 Requires Pro Tools 11.0.3 or higher.Fixed: Unplugging the C600 while streaming audio from iTunes could disable all USB ports until restarting the computer.Known issue: Sample dropouts when recording via S/PDIF 96KHz with HW Buffer Known issue: AAE error -6101 at lowest buffer setting on some older Macs.Fixed: AAE error -6101 while record and playback on low buffer sizes.Check the Pro Tools Operating System Compatibility Chart to see qualified OS versions for Pro Tools.Tested with Avid-qualified Apple computers.